by Brad Gardner | Jul 24, 2012 | Google
Enlightening course I took recently on getting the most out of the searches I enter into Google. Basically, a very good class for anyone that researches or just spends a lot of time on the PC. With my Job, I fall into the latter category. As with all Google...
by Brad Gardner | Jul 21, 2012 | Before & After Redesigns
Recently, I finished up a website redesign project for Eastern Energy Solutions. They are a fast-growing, leading energy contracting & consulting firm in NY State. They came to me looking to do three things: 1. Update the old .html/flash code to better reflect...
by Brad Gardner | Jul 21, 2012 | Social Media
Golf courses are finding that reaching out to the new generation of golfers requires speaking their language. More specifically, engaging with them on Facebook and social media. This article I came across in PGA Magazine addresses this new need for golf courses to...
by Brad Gardner | Jul 19, 2012 | Logo Design
The Art of Logo Design PBS Off Book takes a look inside the colors, shapes, and typography that make up the simple communication of logos. I came across this video that really does a good job of summarizing most of the key points if what goes into and results in a...
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